Friday, June 27, 2008


After stumbling around a little, I was able to subscribe to a podcast through Bloglines. I am a little confused about podcasts, but NPR's podcast directory has a Help section which cleared up some of the questions. The various sites that I visited were set up in different ways and that added to the confusion. It would make it easier if there was some uniformity between sites.

Summer Reading Program

I chose the Summer Reading Program video. I had trouble using Blogger's "Add Video" button, but I was able to post the video by just pasting its code into my blog entry.

Youtube is great because it's got so much in it. I can track down old TV shows and video of musicians from decades ago. I've even gone to it for research purposes.

One thing that our library might do is videotape some of our more popular programs for adults and children and place them on our website.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I tried out Wufoo which I used to make a form. I was surprised at how easily it went. I created a form with check boxes, drop down menus, etc. I was just goofing around without a specific goal in mind. It might get a little tougher to create a form for a specific purpose.

Zoho Writer

I tried Zoho Writer and had mixed results. Creating the document was similar to using Word, so it went well for the most part. But somehow I deleted a table and had to go back and recreate it. Naming and saving the document was no problem, but I couldn't find Zoho's equivalent to a file/close command. My previous post was published from Zoho.


So, I'm trying out Zoho, and it seems to be working fine. 








"Undo" didn't work exactly as I expected. all the time.  Neither did "redo." 




  • One
  • Two
  • Three 


abc def

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Wiki Sandbox

The wiki sandbox was fun to play around with. I had a little trouble creating a link, but figured it out.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Wikis in libraries

I looked at the wickis for Bull Run and Grand Rapids public libraries. The Bull Run wiki was confusing. It looked like a library webpage with a bunch of wiki related links at the bottom including a "view page source" link. Judging from the content, it appeared to be for library users (but why would the public want to view the page source???), but not user-friendly. The Grand Rapids page was less confusing, but didn't exactly impress me either.

I think I've got a decent understanding of wikis as a tool for collaboration, but how do you apply that to a library's website in a way that makes sense???

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Web 2.0, Libray 2.0

I read all five articles. The first and last articles were the most interesting. I especially enjoyed Wendy Schultz's prediction of the future for libraries. Who really knows what library 3.0 or 4.0 will look like, but it was interesting to read her ideas. The first article hinted at the idea of a giant digital collection with everything in it--books, journals, blogs, podcasts. My guess is that one day we will have a national library like this. If so, then what will local libraries look like??? Will they only be used by folks who don't know how to use or don't like technology? Or will web 2.0/library 2.0 and even bigger technological innovations lead to libraries evolving into something that we can't even come close to imagining?


I found 73 blogs that linked to our library's website including ones that referenced our mousing tutorial.

Some of the related tags that I encountered while doing a tag search for web 2.0 were Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTickr and NetVibes. These all sound like more web 2.0 applications, websites, etc. Where does it all end??? I also came across a new term,"social fatigue," which was defined as something like having problems remembering all your usernames and passwords for all your social sites on the web. Apparently, the person who coined the term wasn't fatigued from participating in all these social sites.

Friday, June 6, 2008

I had fun with this one. I've gotten out of the habit of using bookmarks, but this could get me back in the habit. I started using Yahoo bookmarks a while ago for the ease of access anywhere, but I don't think it had the networking aspect. It's interesting to see what has been bookmarked by other people with the same interests as me.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Webfeat turned out to be a little clunky. If I searched on my hometown (a small town) over all the databases, Webfeat did a lot of hiccuping and then would get stuck. Choosing just a few databases to search brought up a list of hits, but I encountered problems getting to a good number of the actual articles. Webfeat sounds interesting, but it needs to work out the kinks.